As developers and other screen-based humans, we tend to forget that our bodies aren’t made to sit in a chair and look at a screen for 8–14 hours a day. It’s an epidemic in this industry; honestly, not taking care of your body is widespread among all startup-ers alike; developers, in particular, are extremely susceptible to this pattern of behavior.
So why not build something that helps us to remember to do this a few times a day!!??
Most companies use slack as a central point of communication, which seemed like the perfect place to start.
We built a yoga-slack-bot at to remind us to take 5 mins a few times a day and stretch it out!!

At we believe in open source and sharing the love!! Feel free to grab a copy of this project on our GitHub page (we have a few awesome open source projects on there) or just stick around and we will go over step by step how to build your own yoga-bot!!
Make a project and add some deps:
npm initnpm i babel-core && serverless-bundle && serverless-pseudo-parameters && aws-sdk && axios
Now lets make a serverless file and add what we need to deploy the bot:
touch serverless.yml
Edit the serverless.yml to add the aws config and env needs:
name: slack-yoga-bot-service
- serverless-bundle
- serverless-pseudo-parameters
name: aws
runtime: nodejs12.x
memorySize: 256
stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'}
region: us-west-1
handler: src/handlers/processYoga.handler
- schedule: rate(24 hours)
Lets make a directory for the handlers and a yoga process file:
mkdir handlers && cd handlers && touch processYoga.js
Now lets add what we need to make the bot work:
const Axios = require("axios");
async function processYoga(event, context) {await
blocks: [........(see slack blocks documentaion)]
);}export const handler = processYoga;
Now lest deploy out serverless function
sls deploy -v